You might have seen them being used by people who play contact sports or are involved in any activity that might pose a risk of injury to the mouth. In this article, we‘ll be discussing 3 types of mouthguards to protect your teeth. 

First of all, what is a mouthguard? 

A mouthguard is a piece of mouth protector placed inside your mouth to protect your mouth, especially your teeth, from impact. It is used mostly by people who engage in physical sporting activities. For instance, you may have seen a lot of boxers and wrestlers put on mouthguards.

When anything hits your mouth accidentally, your mouthguard will reduce the effect of the impact, and also protect your mouth from injuries. There are numerous brands and sizes of mouthguards, but they all come down to the following three mouthguard types:

1. Custom-fitted mouthguards

2. Boil and bite mouthguards

3. Stock mouthguards